Dear Friends,
I wanted to take a moment to thank so many of you for renewing your annual dues for Friends for Friends and for supporting our upcoming Daily Number Raffle.
Whether it has been dealing with the weariness of presidential politics or the restrictions of COVID 19 altering normal activity – neither has dampened the generous spirit of our FfF family. Our membership recognizes the issues of our neighbors in need are ongoing and can occur without warning.
Your FfF Executive Board has been harnessing this generosity for a quarter of a century and will continue to honor your donation of time and treasure to serve our community.
To that end, we met recently and approved three nominations and sent each family a $3,000 check to help cover mounting medical expenses. All three families have little ones who are fighting cancer.
These are stressful times to be sure, but thanks to you, Friends for Friends remains strong and committed to representing your compassion to help those among us dealing with hardship.
So if you haven’t renewed your dues for 2021 (holding steady at $50.00), please take a moment to do so. And there are still numbers available for our November 28th Pennsylvania Daily Number Raffle that could put $5,000 in your bank account. So please click on the link below for more information on purchasing your virtual tickets. Enter QTY for muiple tickets.
And as always, thank you for being a member and making a difference!
Get Tickets
Tickets are $10/each.
If you would like to sell tickets for this drawing, please email me at president@FfFcharity.com to get the tickets you need.
Our annual dues will remain at $50.00 and now is a great time to get caught up for 2020 or get a jump on your 2021 dues.
Use the PayPal Links below to support FfF via an online donation or annual membership.
For more information, please visit our website at www.fffCharity.com
In closing, as we head towards our 25th year of operation, I want to thank you for being a valued member and making a difference in the lives of so many people...Please consider sharing the Friends for Friends story of service and socializing with your family and friends to bring them into our fold.
Bob Carroll, President president@FfFcharity.com