Board Announces Funds to Disbursement to Three Families in Need
We're proud to announce that the golf outing, trivia night proceeds and memberships dues, will be used to replenish the funds approved for disbursement to three families at our recent board meeting.
The first donation was in the amount of $1,500 and went to a family who lost their 34-year old father and husband to brain cancer.
The second donation of $1,500 went to help a family that has endured a string of horrific events, including the loss of a son in a fatal car accident and the mother's passing from pancreatic cancer. The father is caring for his two children while looking for a job and a home, which was lost in a January fire.
The third donation was in the amount of $2,000 and was awarded to an out-of-work single mother with five children.
These families, and unfortunately many others who are experiencing great hardship and stress, are the recipients of your support for Friends for Friends. We will continue to represent your generosity in a way that you can be proud of, and that helps many area families in need.
Thanks for being a member and making a difference.