20th Anniversary Party: Feb. 6 at O'Hara
Please come and join us for the 20th Anniversary of Friends for Friends on February 6, 2016 at Cardinal O'Hara from 6 to 11 pm. The cost is $40.00 in advance & $50.00 at the door. Food, Beer, Wine and set ups will be provided.
When: February 6, 2016
Who: Friends for Friends
What: 20th Anniversary Party Featuring Irish Mist & Flashback
If you would like to reserve a table or purchase tickets please contact one of the following Board Members or email racarroll@comcast.net. You can also go online, www.fffcharity.com and pay on paypal.
Board Members: Frank Long, Pat Murray, Mike Seifried, Mike Brown, Marty Wusinich, Jim Farrell, Dennis McClatchy, Jim Smith, Jim Carroll, Joe Grosse, Mike Potts, or Bob Carroll.